Jav Grojas

Picture for song 'Plasmyods II: Forlorn Asteroid' by artist 'Jav Grojas'

Plasmyods II: Forlorn Asteroid

In the fringes of the system, a lonely asteroid wanders its way, oblivious to the rest of bodies.

#11 in Acoustic Piano No samples

Picture for song 'Above the World' by artist 'Jav Grojas'
Picture for song 'Plasmyods II: The Dead Planet' by artist 'Jav Grojas'

Plasmyods II: The Dead Planet

The plasmyods arrive to an unfortunate neptunian planet, that went too close to its star and lost most of its dense atmosphere. All that remains is a rotten, cindered core...

#20 in Contemporary No samples

Picture for song 'Plasmyods II: Planet Eventide (Serenade)' by artist 'Jav Grojas'

Plasmyods II: Planet Eventide (Serenade)

Plasmyods encounter a planet surrounded by a complete layer of clouds, beneath which a perpetual eventide happens.

Classical General No samples

Picture for song 'Giant planet Jovis transits its sun' by artist 'Jav Grojas'

Giant planet Jovis transits its sun

The colossal planet Jovis, in the Gluconia system, is going to majestically transit its sun. This piece belong to the Gluconia's arc.

#13 in Symphonic No samples

Picture for song 'Xiombarg's Fantasy: a Sea made of Silver' by artist 'Jav Grojas'

Xiombarg's Fantasy: a Sea made of Silver

This piece is an Intro to "A Sea of Silver", showing Xiombarg's desire to create this unique unnatural object.

#21 in Classical Film Score No samples

Picture for song 'Stalactites' by artist 'Jav Grojas'
Picture for song 'Stalagmites' by artist 'Jav Grojas'


In the darkness of the cave, there the stalagmites are, below the stylized stalactites, where one can barely see them.

Classical General No samples

Picture for song 'Marismas (Marshland). Part II: By night' by artist 'Jav Grojas'

Marismas (Marshland). Part II: By night

Musical landscape of marshland by night. Lonely, quiet, majestic, scary.

New Age No samples

Picture for song 'Departure at Dawn: 1. Drifting away' by artist 'Jav Grojas'

Departure at Dawn: 1. Drifting away

Departures at dawn are, perhaps, the saddest and poignant of all them. This first part is related to the departure itself. Cover image based on a beautiful photo by Irem Isiklar in Pexels.com and retouched by myself.

#17 in Lounge No samples

Picture for song 'Fugit 4' by artist 'Jav Grojas'

Fugit 4

Quiet and melancholic, like the rest of the Fugit series.

Classical Film Score

Picture for song 'Departure at Dawn: 2. Yearning' by artist 'Jav Grojas'

Departure at Dawn: 2. Yearning

Jazz Fusion

Picture for song 'Piano&Synth developments on four descending notes' by artist 'Jav Grojas'

Piano&Synth developments on four descending notes

Belongs to the series dedicated a "four descending notes" developments.

Lounge No samples

Picture for song 'Mirror Variations: Nocturna' by artist 'Jav Grojas'

Mirror Variations: Nocturna

Belongs to the series "Mirror Variations", that are pieces about a theme in "A World at the Other Side of thee Mirror".

Classical General No samples

Picture for song 'Eridania: Perihelium season: Aestivium' by artist 'Jav Grojas'

Eridania: Perihelium season: Aestivium

Perihelium is one of the seasons of Eridanus's year, when the planet is closer from its star. Aestivium is a part of Perihelium. The warmth and the haze caused by the sublimated gases make quiet, infinite days and nights...

Ambient No samples

Picture for song 'Eridania: Perihelium season: Thermidor' by artist 'Jav Grojas'

Eridania: Perihelium season: Thermidor

Thermidor is a part of Perihelium, one of the seasons of Eridanus's year, when the planet is closer from its star. The relative heat and the brightness of the sky produce an almost stiffling ambient, in this atmosphere bathed by sublimated gases.

Contemporary No samples

Picture for song 'Post Korpo' by artist 'Jav Grojas'
Picture for song 'Floating in the Sky' by artist 'Jav Grojas'

Floating in the Sky

Classical General No samples

Picture for song 'The talking flying creature' by artist 'Jav Grojas'

The talking flying creature

The last night in Eridanus, one of the flying creatures, unexpectedly, alighted merely meters away. Immobile, silent, and yet I perceived as if it were talking to me.

Classical Film Score No samples

Picture for song 'Eridania: Aphelium season: Brumaire' by artist 'Jav Grojas'

Eridania: Aphelium season: Brumaire

Brumaire is a part of Aphelium season, when Eridanus begins to go outwards from the star. The progressive coldness starts to produce fogs due to the condensation of gases.
