Jav Grojas

Picture for song 'Above the World' by artist 'Jav Grojas'
Picture for song 'Plasmyods II: Planet Eventide (Serenade)' by artist 'Jav Grojas'

Plasmyods II: Planet Eventide (Serenade)

Plasmyods encounter a planet surrounded by a complete layer of clouds, beneath which a perpetual eventide happens.

Classical General No samples

Picture for song 'Giant planet Jovis transits its sun' by artist 'Jav Grojas'

Giant planet Jovis transits its sun

The colossal planet Jovis, in the Gluconia system, is going to majestically transit its sun. This piece belong to the Gluconia's arc.

#13 in Symphonic No samples

Picture for song 'Xiombarg's Fantasy: a Sea made of Silver' by artist 'Jav Grojas'

Xiombarg's Fantasy: a Sea made of Silver

This piece is an Intro to "A Sea of Silver", showing Xiombarg's desire to create this unique unnatural object.

#21 in Classical Film Score No samples

Picture for song 'Sun Rising over the Waters' by artist 'Jav Grojas'

Sun Rising over the Waters

New Age No samples

Picture for song 'Fugit 4' by artist 'Jav Grojas'

Fugit 4

Quiet and melancholic, like the rest of the Fugit series.

Classical Film Score

Picture for song 'Floating in the Sky' by artist 'Jav Grojas'

Floating in the Sky

Classical General No samples

Picture for song 'The talking flying creature' by artist 'Jav Grojas'

The talking flying creature

The last night in Eridanus, one of the flying creatures, unexpectedly, alighted merely meters away. Immobile, silent, and yet I perceived as if it were talking to me.

Classical Film Score No samples

Picture for song 'Eridanus's flying creatures' by artist 'Jav Grojas'

Eridanus's flying creatures

There are mysterious flying creatures, of unknown nature, in planet Eridanus. They can sometimes be seen flying high against the dark sky.

Classical Film Score No samples

Picture for song 'A Sea of Silver' by artist 'Jav Grojas'

A Sea of Silver

The Sea of Silver is a staggering creation of Xiombarg, the Queen of Swords, one of the Chaos Lords. Literally made with an unbelievable amount of silver, it used to be between the 6th and 10th planes of the Reality. Current location is uncertain.

Contemporary No samples

Picture for song 'The Mirror Lake' by artist 'Jav Grojas'

The Mirror Lake

An evanescent lake in the Mirror World. Mysterious and possibly not completely real. Cover art: beautiful photo by Quang Nguyen Vinh (in pexels.com), retouched by myself.

Contemporary No samples

Picture for song 'L'île de Cipri' by artist 'Jav Grojas'

L'île de Cipri

After maestro Stelvio Cipriani

Contemporary No samples

Picture for song 'Nothing' by artist 'Jav Grojas'
Picture for song 'Riverside promenade' by artist 'Jav Grojas'
Picture for song 'Tetraton (part 2): The Unfatomable' by artist 'Jav Grojas'

Tetraton (part 2): The Unfatomable

As a highest-ranking Archangel. Tetraton's sheer power is such that even angels are scared by just looking at him. Even if he is blessed, some entities wonder...

Beats General No samples

Picture for song 'Gluconia 02: ZooAktivitat' by artist 'Jav Grojas'

Gluconia 02: ZooAktivitat

The arriving of animal life brings a huge increment in activity. The planet is thriving with all kind of new shapes, sizes and characters. Poetry and drama, ferocity and nimbleness.

Ambient No samples

Picture for song 'Gluconia 05: First plants appear' by artist 'Jav Grojas'

Gluconia 05: First plants appear

Life goes on developing in the planet. After microorganisms, plants brings a fully new share of color and beauty.

New Age No samples

Picture for song 'Scherzing in the hillside' by artist 'Jav Grojas'

Scherzing in the hillside

Mountain creatures enjoy a good time on the hillside.

Symphonic No samples

Picture for song 'Serenata Uno (complete)' by artist 'Jav Grojas'

Serenata Uno (complete)

Classical General No samples

Picture for song 'Years Later' by artist 'Jav Grojas'

Years Later

Years later, memories flow again.

Beats General