Danny Bowman

9 top 1
27 top 50
47 songs
71.4K plays
Picture for song 'Moonlight Heart' by artist 'Danny Bowman'
Picture for song 'It's Just My Heart' by artist 'Danny Bowman'

It's Just My Heart

Rock General

Picture for song 'Takes A Lot Of Heart' by artist 'Danny Bowman'

Takes A Lot Of Heart

It's not about the falling...but getting back up.

Rock General

Picture for song 'Us' by artist 'Danny Bowman'
Picture for song 'Something's Gotta Give' by artist 'Danny Bowman'

Something's Gotta Give

Rock General

Music has touched my life in an immeasurable way. I hope it touches you too.
Your musical influences
Elvis, Beatles, Hendrix, Santana, Clapton, Stones, old time rock and roll, lots of blues and country....and a lot of life.
What equipment do you use?
Gibson, Strat, Gretch, Martin, Marshall, Mesa Boogie
Anything else?
Stay young...


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