Peter Albert

Instrumental New Age/ Classical Guitarist/World Music

7 top 1
14 top 50
28 songs
12.9K plays
Picture for song 'Pavan6- L. Milan' by artist 'Peter Albert'

Pavan6- L. Milan

Acoustic Guitar

Picture for song 'Canon- Pachelbel' by artist 'Peter Albert'

Canon- Pachelbel

Acoustic Guitar

Picture for song 'Alman- R. Johnson' by artist 'Peter Albert'

Alman- R. Johnson

Acoustic Guitar

Picture for song 'Earl of Salisbury- W. Byrd' by artist 'Peter Albert'

Earl of Salisbury- W. Byrd

Acoustic Guitar

Picture for song 'Branle- J.B. Besard' by artist 'Peter Albert'

Branle- J.B. Besard

Acoustic Guitar

Acoustic Instrumental New Age/ Classical Guitarist
Band/artist history
Hollow Tree Music is home to musician Peter Albert, a lifelong resident of Maine, and guitarist of 30+ years. He started in the 60's playing covers by the Beatles, Stones, Byrds, and Dylan gradually finding his way to the blues. Peter put together his first blues band in 1969 called Homemade Blues. "There was a lot of spontaneity in that band, every night was a jam, we were the only band around at the time that just went up on stage and let the music take over." It was in the early seventies when Peter heard a friend play classical guitar "I was completely in awe, having been totally ear taught, seeing this structured, disciplined way made me realize how limited my knowledge was." So for the next 10 years Peter tuned out practically everything else and focused on the classical guitar. "I still took gigs with bands here and there but my heart was in the classical stuff". Eventually, he expanded the classical technique he had learned to the steel string acoustic giving him a method of staying creative by writing his own instrumental compositions. "I had heard the British band Pentangle as a teenager and the two guitarists, Bert Jansch & John Renbourn blew me away with their fusion of medieval/renaissance and blues/jazz/ and traditional folk music". Pepper that with the stylings of John Fahey, Leo Kottke, Adrian Legg, Michael Hedges, Kenny Burrell, Pat Martino, Julian Bream, Ravi Shankar and that's what Peter's music is all about. He performs live throughout Maine, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts, and has opened many shows for national acts.
Have you performed in front of an audience?
Yes. Weddings and functions and concerts
Your musical influences
John Fahey, Leo Kottke, Adrian Legg, Michael Hedges, Kenny Burrell, Pat Martino, Julian Bream, Ravi Shankar


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