
I am me, myself and I , Just NG, ...aka ... Angie.

4 top 1
19 top 50
19 songs
111K plays
Picture for song 'Where's the exit' by artist 'JustNG'

Where's the exit

Pop Rock

Picture for song 'Dance Your Blues Away (dance)' by artist 'JustNG'

Dance Your Blues Away (dance)


Picture for song 'Memories (emo popsong )' by artist 'JustNG'

Memories (emo popsong )

An emotinal popsong. Maybe you have lost someone, maybe because it's just emotinal..and you can feel the emotion, too. I wrote this song for my dear brother for the loss of his wife. Anyway..it's a song for all of us.

Christian Pop

Picture for song 'No Reason ( poprock )' by artist 'JustNG'

No Reason ( poprock )

Pop Rock No samples

Picture for song 'JustNG_so Much _chillout' by artist 'JustNG'

JustNG_so Much _chillout

Ambient No samples

RECIPE for a JustNG sound..... You mix the main ingredients "pop and electronic". After this, you give it an Xtra tiny little bit of a "dance" beat and somehow a bit of a "modern R&B" feeling to it. And shurely ...some 'ROCK' if you like ! ( shaken ,but not stired ) Then, last but not least, you blend in THE characteristic feature of this recipe, namely the voice of NG. And here you are, you've got yourself an "original" JustNG Try it !!! No worries, it's safe...


The Haque, Netherlands

Pop Pop Rock

id: 106421


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